May 7, 2010

First Age of Animal Fossils

 These following animals lived in sea at earlier time. Their bodies were very soft and light so they can easily move and reproduce. The development of these animals then, they had shells to protect themselves. We can identify these animals had lived millions of years from the shells we found.  The shells then petrified, they are found inside the rocks and reefs.  The animals which had petrified are called fossils.


All soft and shelled animals or have it classified as shells of mollusks. Soft-bodied means mollusks, therefore God equips them with the shell or transplant to protect themselves. Other types such animals is a snail which has single shell or an oyster which has double shells.


The crustacean has shells which is similar to armor or iron cloth.  Its legs are segmented, and have chopsticks to crush food.  Many of these species that live in the sea like sea cucumbers, kamamune, amfipot shrimp, stone crab.


There are other shelled animals that live on the edge of rocks, beach and reef. When the tide comes, they use to walk along a white sand to find food that is small animals or others.  They are also hiding under seaweeds or small ponds waiting for prey to pass. Sometimes these animals are immersed in muddy sand.


Conch is also included single-shelled mollusks and the circular. They walked with his legs spreading and mucus.  It has long tongue and small teeth.  They carry their shells, which is their home wherever they go.  If a conch disturbed, it would hide in the shell. Other type is a sea slug that we call the Nautilus.  Its shell is divided into chambers, while the animal itself is in outer self.  They can float because the rooms are filled with a sealed gas. They have a strong tentacle-all that can converge on the stone when they hunt their prey of small fish and crabs.

Another mollusks is called cuttlefish. A cuttlefish has shell inside the body.  They immerse themselves in the sea bottom to protect themselves and change the color of the bodies in accordance with the surroundings.


The tortoise includes a giant mollusks. They have heavy shells so they cannot walk fast on the ground. The tortoise has a wide foot like a fin to help swim in the sea so they can swim fast.

The tortoise can reach the age of one hundred years. They live at sea and go ashore only to lay their eggs by making holes in the sand.

The tortoise can produce hundreds of eggs in one spawning. They make holes in the white sand to lay their eggs and then bury it again. Usually they lay eggs at night. The eggs will hatch because the heat of the sun in the afternoon. After hatching, a turtle’s baby will run into the sea and swim following ocean currents. Turtles also live in the sea and only  go land to lay their eggs.

Crowd hunting of tortoise eggs and their meats for food declines their population.

Other types is a turtle. The size of  turtles usually smaller and the largest found in the Galapagos archipelago.


Another conch which is familiar known is a snail. Many of us can encounter them in the field and garden, attached to the stems and leaves. Snail lives in humid area. And when the weather is hot, it hides in its shell. Snails walking very slowly and leave scars in the form of mucus. There are two antennas or whiskers which can extend and retract. At the end of the antenna is a pair of small eyes.  The antenna is used as a means of smell. Some snails live  in the water and eat water plants. They place their eggs on plant stems in water and protect them with mucus.

All snails are androgynous. This is a picture of two snails gave the seed to each other after both spawning males.


Several other types of mollusk called a double-shelled bivalve, or bivalve mollusk. The shells can be opened or closed by a very strong muscle. Their bodies are very soft inside. These types, often found  as a shellfish, oysters and Kalanchoe pinnata. They eat by sucking water into their shells containing small animals such as plankton or other small aquatic animals into the shell.

There are types of winches shells that can make holes in the rock and ting lived in it. Many of them living along the sandy beaches or mud. When the water receded they immerse themselves in the sand and make a small hole for their airway.


Deep down in the sea there are many kinds of crabs, they eat leftovers fish with their legs. Several types of crabs swim.  They have a wide foot and hairy back which used for an oars to push the body in the water. There is a crab that has long legs and which can be folded, it is called a spider crab, if the enemy attacks, this crab will protect themselves by folding legs.

Some types of shrimp such as a barong lobster. Many people hunt for their meat. Barong is a large shrimp, living in deep sea. They can swim back and flapped his tail. They catch with a large chopsticks. If the body increases, he needs a new larger shell. While waiting for the new shells grow and become hard, the barong hide amongst the rocks to protect themselves. If barong chopsticks is broken, will grow new chopsticks.

Other types of mollusks are squid, from small size to giant size. Squid does not have shells to protect themselves. It squirts ink to protect itself when it is attacked by the enemy. Their food  are small fishes.