January 21, 2010

The Butterfly Family

Butterflies and moths, including the same insect.  Butterflies fly by day and moths fly at night.

If a hot day, the butterflies take refuge among the trees. Folding up their wings when they rest.

Moths fly at night. They flew toward the light to find food. When resting on a folding their wings backward.

Live moths and butterflies started from an egg is very small. Butterfly eggs are in place at the end of the leaf safe. Eggs were then developed into a very small caterpillar and eat the leaves until they become large enough to pupate.

Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar turned into a butterfly. Butterfly wings were still wet. They perched on the leather cocoon and wait until dry wings and fly. Butterflies live only a few weeks. They are looking for partners in order to lay eggs. The butterfly will die when they are spawning.

Various kinds of worms.

A variety of worms that we see comes from the species of butterfly or moth is different. There is also a moth that lays its eggs in between the clothes worn.

Birds love to eat worms. To protect yourself from a caterpillar bird whose color resembles a tree branch, there is still no move to deceive the birds. There is also a worm that has a striking color. This caterpillar was terrible and the birds do not like to eat it. There is also a caterpillar who to frighten the birds by spraying acid. There is a leaf roller caterpillars hiding digulungan leaves. There are worms that have eye patches, which resembles a bird afraid of snakes that eat them.

In general, moth caterpillars and butterflies eat the leaves, but there are also yangmemakan fruit, wood and cloth hiding delivered. They develop into pupa, or cocoon now is enough time. From the outside, it appears not cocoon happened but within the cocoon becomes a moth caterpillars grow.

Many of silkworm cultivation to produce silk. Yarn taken from a thick cocoon silk. Silkworms eat mulberry leaves. Yarn is then spun into silk for a smooth and beautiful.

Moths and butterflies sucking the honey with a long trunk. Many butterflies have bright colors flying among the flowers. This way they protect themselves. Sometimes there are colored like a leaf, and when they perched on the edge of the leaf, they look difficult to distinguish real leaves.

China moth, laying their eggs in the water. Terlur develop into pupae and attached to the stems of water plants. Once out of their cocoons to the surface and crawl and fly.

Dutch butterfly flying across the sea from the world that one gets another world. This is called migration. In the summer of butterflies that live in North America and in the winter flying and moved to Mexico. They rest among the pine trees. In the spring, they returned to the North. They laid their eggs on the trip.

Some butterflies bear the cold. Apollo butterflies live in the mountian in the Himalayas and the Arctic cold.

A few moths besides the small size has a unique color. There are moths that resemble moss moss, there is a black moths and very difficult to distinguish the branches of trees

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